British Royal Navy in the Estonian War of Independence

British Royal Navy in the Estonian War of Independence (HM15P4)

Location: Tallinn, Harju County 10133 Tallinna linn
Country: Estonia

N 59° 26.532', E 24° 44.957'

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— [Estonian Maritime Museum] —

of the officers and seamen of the British Royal Navy
who served and gave their lives in the cause of freedom
in the Baltic during the Estonian War of Independence
1918 - 1920

Briti Kuningliku Merevae ohvitseridele ja meremeestele
kes voitle sid ja andsid oma elu Balti rikide vabaduse eest
Eesti Vabqdussmas

The following Admirals were decorated
with the Estonian Cross of Liberty for their distinguished services:

Merevaeohvitserid.keda silmapaistva teenistuse eest
autasustati Eesti Vabadusristiga

Admiral Sir Edwyn Alexander-Sinclair G.C.B. M.V.O. VRI/I
1865 -1945

Admiral Sir Walter Cowan of the Baltic Bart K.C.B. D.S.O. M.V.O, VRI/I

Admiral Sir Sydney Freemantle G.C.B. M.V.O. VRI/I

Admiral Sir Bertram Thesiger K.B.E. C.B. C.M.G. VRI/I

On behalf of the grateful people of Estonia
Tanulik Eesti rahvas
HM NumberHM15P4
Placed ByThe People of Estonia
Marker ConditionNo reports yet
Date Added Monday, September 22nd, 2014 at 5:28am PDT -07:00
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UTM (WGS84 Datum)35V E 372368 N 6591452
Decimal Degrees59.44220000, 24.74928333
Degrees and Decimal MinutesN 59° 26.532', E 24° 44.957'
Degrees, Minutes and Seconds59° 26' 31.92" N, 24° 44' 57.42" E
Driving DirectionsGoogle Maps
Area Code(s)212
Closest Postal AddressAt or near 68 Pikk, Tallinn Harju County 10133, EE
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